The Conneely Learning Group brings more than two decades of experience and a warm, personable approach to ABA services, consultations, and assessments. Whether in the home, in the classroom, in a community setting or accompanying families during travel, we offer flexible scheduling and comprehensive services to meet the needs of children, families, and educators.

Home-Based Consultation
The Conneely Learning Group offers periodic consultation to programs providing ABA services in the home setting. Director, Shelby Conneely, MA, BCBA, will collaborate with your staff to develop appropriate skill-acquisition goals, teaching procedures, and behavior intervention plans to manage problematic behaviors. We will provide detailed feedback and a comprehensive list of program recommendations to help the home program provide optimal services
for the student.
Supervision for ABA Home-Based Programming
We offer weekly and bimonthly supervision for ABA home-based programs, allowing families to develop comprehensive, individualized treatment programs for their children. Shelby brings a personal, collaborative approach to every session, taking the time to understand the needs of the family and providing a thorough, straightforward assessment of the student.
Our supervision services include:
Developing, implementing, and monitoring a variety of individualized data-based programs targeting verbal behavior, social skills, academic skills, and self-help skills.
Providing a listing of appropriate curricula.
Training and supervising teachers working in the home, presenting data-based instruction.
Providing initial and ongoing data collection and analysis, conducting frequent portfolio reviews, and performing data-based observations of teachers to track performance and ensure staff are effectively delivering the high-quality instruction the student requires.
Implementing behavior-decrease programs for problematic behaviors.
Implementing strategies for student success in generalized settings.
Facilitating clinics, weekly/monthly team meetings with family members and caregivers, and peer-modeling sessions when appropriate.
Conducting school observations as needed or requested and coordinating with school personnel if the child attends a school program.
School-Based Consultation
The Conneely Learning Group offers consultation to schools and agencies providing services in self-contained or inclusive settings. Shelby collaborates with staff in the development of appropriate skill-acquisition goals, teaching procedures, behavior intervention plans for individual students, and class-wide contingencies if necessary. We train staff to implement target skills and provide ongoing feedback and individualized programming. If a home-based program is in place, consultation may also be provided in the home.
Supported Inclusion Programs
We coordinate successful data-based supported inclusion placements in both private and public schools for students with ASD who meet certain behavioral criteria.
Our supported inclusion services include:
Regular assessment of each student’s readiness.
Assessment, design, implementation, and monitoring of individualized skill acquisition programs for academic skills, social performance and daily and weekly behavioral contracts in regular education settings.
Programs for students who are beginning to transition to mainstream part-time as well as full-time.
Regular meetings with teachers, shadows, and other staff associated with providing educational services to offer training and support.
Onsite supervision of inclusion program with curriculum development, data review, and feedback.
Ongoing follow-up consultation.
Program Review
Our Program Review service is available to school districts and families interested in receiving feedback on their child's school and/or home program. We perform data-based observations, data review, and meet with educational staff. We provide a detailed list of recommendations to help the program provide optimal services for students with ASD.
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
FBAs will be conducted to assess and determine the cause(s) of a problem behavior. After the FBA has been conducted, we will provide detailed recommendations and discuss them with school staff and parents.
Comprehensive Skill-Based Assessments
We use practical skill-based assessment tools to get a baseline measure of your child’s abilities and determine appropriate, individualized goals. These assessments can be used to guide programming and track progress.
We may conduct an assessment of livings skills (AFL) to assess a learner’s basic living skills, home skills, community participation, and social skills. This comprehensive assessment helps us develop a list of goals and suggestions for future programming.
Family Consultation & Parent Training
Families are an important part of a child’s individual program. Parents/caregivers will receive training on how to respond to behaviors that disrupt the home and community setting, and guidance will be provided as to how to most helpfully and effectively address these challenging behaviors.